
Inebriated Press: “Everclear News with Rye Commentary”
This site contains parody and sarcasm.
We claim modest but important connections to the ‘real world’.

Inebriated Press written articles are designed to help you discover a reality stashed in a thinly veiled quasi parallel universe. Readers who struggle with multiple realities may have to sit down frequently.  Articles from other sources are simply ones I found interesting and started adding a year after starting Inebriated Press, producing all the content and getting burned out.  Now I smoke’m when I got’em and post whatever I feel like.

Imbibers Choice is a collection of pieces I’ve created that statistically are more popular than others.  It’s kind of a “Top 20+” set of headlines with links to the entire articles.  Some folks like to see what others like and this is the place to do that if you’re up for it.

Marxist Thought contains some of the controversial, yet provocative ideas of the great Marxist thinker, Groucho Marx.

Inebriated Press is the outrowth of a mind laboring under the day-to-day struggle of work and paying the bills and reading the news and having a drink and thinking about smoking cigars and trying to sleep. Followed by, the day-to-day struggle of work and paying the bills and reading the news and having a drink and thinking about smoking cigars and trying to sleep.

After a few decades of this struggle a unique blend of sarcasm began to drip out and I transferred it to digital and named it Inebriated Press. You are now the beneficiary — or the poor sap — who has stepped in it.

Good luck and smoke’m if you got’em.

~ The Editor

© 2007 Inebriated Press. All Rights Reserved. All Seats Saved.